Tréninkový set triko a trenky
Are you looking for a reasonable training set of shorts and T-shirts with a print?
We offer quality functional shorts and T-shirts Freez Z-80 with a print according to the agreement, usually eg team logo + player number. The set can be combined, eg two T-shirts of different colors and one shorts.
At the same time, it is possible to display such a set on our e-shop and thus enable team members to order directly from us for an agreed price.
Contact for orders and individual requirements
Are you interested? Contact us at
Services that we offer not only floorball clubs
- training set t-shirt and shorts with print
- set of sweatshirt and pants (sweatpants) with print
- printing of bags, backpacks and bags for floorball equipment
- production and printing of sports bottles
- production of sports accessories - headbands, bags, towels, wristbands, scarves, minidresses
- production of sublimated jerseys
- printing of textiles purchased from us
- team e-shop for orders of all team members and fans
Team discount program not only for floorball clubs
We have prepared for you a complete team program of supplies, production and stocks with the possibility of individual requirements in sports equipment. Affiliate section can also take advantage of an extensive discount program on our goods.