WOOLOC floorball sticks

Nákupní rádce pro výběr florbalové čepele

Detailed SearchLabels
BrandDetermining a floorball stick
Floorball sticks especially for women
Floorball sticks especially for juniors
Floorball sticks especially for children
Stick length without blade (player height)
101cm (height of the player 180 - 185cm)
101cm (height of the player 180 - 185cm)
LEFT hand down
RIGHT hand down
Stick holdingModel line of floorball sticks
Wooloc FORCE
Flexibility (Flex)MaterialBlade - sign
Wooloc ULTRA
Blade hardness
Normal Blade - standard hardness
ColorIFF certification
YES - is certified
Choose the height of the player
175 - 185 cm
1 product
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