Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm

Code0181236Warranty 2 years (more information)
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Nákupní rádce pro výběr florbalové čepele

Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for children
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for children
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm L - Floorball sticks for children
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for children

HYPER je opravdová střelecká zbraň, která následuje úspěšnou čepel ZONE FORCE. Oproti své předchůdkyni má ještě více vybranou forhendovou stranu od patky až ke špičce čepele, aby se více projevily střelecké dovednosti. Tvar rámu čepele dává hráči perfektní kontrolu nad balónkem.

Stick length without blade (player height)87cm (height of the player 155 - 165cm)
Stick holdingROUND
Model line of floorball sticksZone COMPOSITE
Flexibility (Flex)29
Blade - signZone HYPER
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for childrenFloorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for children
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm L - Floorball sticks for childrenFloorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm L - Floorball sticks for children
Floorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for childrenFloorball stick ZONE STICK HYPER Composite Light 29 white/red 87cm - Floorball sticks for children
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